Welcome to the Prinz group homepage
We investigate the interactions between living cells and nanostructures and we develop bio-applications for nanowires and nanotubes (see Research page for more details).
January 2021: We are recruiting a postdoc! If you want to take part in exciting research at the interface between nanoscience and medicine, apply here. Deadline for application: February 26th.
January 2021: ERC Proof of concept grant for a new Covid-19 test.
September 2020: Frida Ekstand joins the group as PhD student.
May 2019: Diogo Volpati joins the group as postdoc.
October 2018: New SSF grant for method development (7.8 MSEK).
October 2018: Article on single cell analysis published in Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Link to article
October 2018: Laura Abariute defended her PhD thesis.
September 2018: Therese Olsson joins the group as PhD student.
June 2018: Stefan Holm joins the group as Postdoc.
February 2018: Zhen Li successfully defended her PhD thesis
November 2017: Article on cellular traction forces published in Nanoscale. Link to article.
October 2017 Laura Abariute successfully defended her licentiate thesis.
September 2017 Martin Hjort joins the group as Postdoc.
July 2017 Elke Hebisch joins the group as Postdoc.
April 2017 Karl Adolfsson successfully defended his PhD thesis.
March 2017 Article on super resolution microscopy imaging of nanowires published in Nano Letters. Link to article
September 2016 Mercy Lard joins the group as Postdoc.
June 2016 Article on translocation of nanowires through Daphnia tissue published in Nanotoxicology. Link to article
December 2015 C. Prinz awarded a ERC Consolidator Grant of 2.62 M€